By Anonymous - 06/10/2014 23:41 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I was giving my boyfriend a massage. I guess I hit the spot, because he muttered, "Please marry me" into the pillow. Considering we've been going out for years and had spoken about marriage before, I stopped in my tracks. He stammered, "Oh, I mean... Not like that. Will you keep going?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 883
You deserved it 4 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dimerneckel 22

He doesn't want to marry you in the middle of such an amazing massage, that's all

JMichael 25

A friend of mine gave me a massage a couple weeks ago. It was so good and relaxing that I told her if she married me I'd spoil her just for a massage every day.


At least he thought the massage was amazing. You don't mutter that kind of thing over nothing!

Maybe he wanted to do it at the right moment - or isn't ready yet

Your reaction is kind of a red flag. So many women are desperate for marriage and their ears perk up like a dog waiting for a treat if it's even casually mentioned. Btw I'm a woman. Other women still don't make sense to me.

This shouldn't be an FML. Obviously he just didn't want to ask you like that. It was taken the wrong way. Simple as that. He wanted to move on from it.

Looks like you need to keep hitting that spot until it happens lol

I think if it's been years, time to move on. He doesn't respect you enough to marry you. Our you'll find out soon enough after you walk away and start a life without him.

maybe he meant it but got nervous because you stopped so he tried to play it off..

why does so many people consider marriage like a requirement? isn't being together by choice more romantic then being forced to stay together by a piece of paper...... now to the actual post... YDI why? because nothing wrong was done. like what? you expected after four years a massage would cause him to suddenly propose? that's kinda a bs expectation... In that situation there are very (and I mean VERY) few people that would be serious. especially since if you guys have recently talked about it and he truly isn't interested then guess what? why in the hell would he have sprung that now? yet on the other hand if he truly was interested why would he put such little effort to a life decision?