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By Anonymous - 04/09/2015 21:56 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boss called me to say that I've been slow at work this week and that I will be replaced if I don't pick up the pace. That would be understandable, if I didn't have a broken ankle and pneumonia. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 146
You deserved it 1 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My boyfriend had a really bad cold and a sprained ankle, and his boss says "well, you're not dying right? You start at 3" I get so pissed off at bosses like this, this is the reason workers suffer panic attacks and anxiety.

Try to get a doctor's note to give to your boss


Try to get a doctor's note to give to your boss

yeah I was once accused of faking a miscarriage... which happened while I was at work the week before.

They can think it's fake all they want but if you can prove it you're in the clear.

My boyfriend had a really bad cold and a sprained ankle, and his boss says "well, you're not dying right? You start at 3" I get so pissed off at bosses like this, this is the reason workers suffer panic attacks and anxiety.

I had plantar fasciitis and had to still work 8-9 hour shifts on my feet and be lifting things in the stock room, mopping, etc. It was either do that or get fired. I finally couldn't take it any more after about a month of that and quit and found another job that I enjoy much more and where they are more understanding. Not saying that quitting is the answer for OP (I don't know what their circumstances are), but there are other options if OP's boss is being unreasonable with this.

olpally 32

I would quit if I ever work for an asshole like that. Dick.

Wait, so OP's boss is both an asshole and a dick? Well then, he can go **** himself, can't he...

With bad office manners like that, I'm surprised he got to the position of being your boss in the first place

you have clearly never worked a corporate job. All bosses are as described.

UhHuhHoney 20

Why are you working under those circumstances?

My thoughts exactly. Wouldn't op's state get worse by not letting their body rest a little by taking time off?

Badkarma4u 17

exactly his boss may have a lot of people to manage and cant hold up production on one sick guy. Notice he said replace not fire. That often just means pulled from the line for the day.

Are you sure you should be working if you have pneumonia?

He can't legally be fired while injured or sick, look it up. The law exists for exactly this reason

myeviltwin 20

You can be fired at any time for any reason or even no reason at all unless you have a contract that states otherwise. Most work places are "at will" employers.

myeviltwin 20

I had a boss fire me while I was in the hospital saying I wasn't reliable enough. This after working 50+ hour weeks for him for over 3 years. He actually called me in my hospital room to fire me.

Is there not laws to protect you against that? I've been chronically ill for years, the last 3 years I have missed 100-150 days of work each year and they can't fire me because my doctor backs me up. (I'm pushing to be on longterm disability because this isn't good for me or my employer).

myeviltwin 20

Not when you are an "at will" employee or as in that particular case I was an independent contractor (construction company. basically reclassifying you as a scam to avoid paying overtime, workmans comp etc.) So technically I was not fired but my "services" were no longer required as he put it.

Viral pneumonia is contagious. Bacterial pneumonia is a secondary infection, meaning you had a bad cold or bronchial infection that settled into the lungs.