By akosirm - 25/09/2012 02:28 - Philippines

Today, I was going to a big concert at my university. I paid around a hundred twenty bucks for my ticket. Outside the venue, people were handing out the tickets. For free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 341
You deserved it 13 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to take all those tickets and demand payment. :] If that doesn't work, male prostitution is a growing business.

lem0n_fml 0

My university lets us go to the concerts there for free. :)


FYL; you didn't know people would be handing out tickets for free, better safe than sorry :) Plus, they could have been counterfit tickets, so you did the right thing buying the ticket anyway.

The OP doesn't mention how the seating arrangement works. Maybe the free tickets are for really shitty seats like in the rafters. Maybe they're general admission tickets, meaning you're standing in a crowd, which actually sucks. Maybe the seat the OP paid for is a good seat. Not enough info here.

666HailSatan666 0

It wouldn't be much of a loss, it would be around $2.50 US (or would it be the other way around, which would be around 5000 pesos).

littlegirl12_fml 0

Big ******* deal. Your a moron. Go get it diagnosed and your disability checks that you obviously need with greatly make up for your small loss.

44- *you're a moron. Hypocritical bully.

No university ever charges that much. If it's over $20 that's a red flag.

Free tickets to a big concert - was it a nickleback concert?

If that's how much you were willing to pay then that's how much it was worth for you. Just because other people got it for free doesn't mean that you weren't willing to pay that much. You obviously thought it was worth the cost. For the people that got it for free, they were lucky. It happens, but that doesn't make any difference to your situation. If they WEREN'T getting in for free, your situation would still be exactly the same. There's a parable in the bible about this where a vineyard owner paid the exact same amount of money for everyone who worked in that vineyard that day, even though some worked for an entire day and some worked for one hour. The people who worked for the entire day agreed to get paid a day's wages at the beginning, but when the people who got paid a day's wages for only an hour's work, they started to think that maybe they would get more. When they got paid exactly what they agreed, they got angry. But they were only angry at the fortune of the others, which had nothing to do with them. They weren't cheated, they had agreed before they started working that they would get paid, it was only because other people were fortunate that they got angry. You shouldn't get upset just because other people were lucky. You weren't cheated, you paid as much as you thought was fair. I don't normally start quoting the bible but the scenario fit perfectly into the parable.