By Dumped - 22/12/2009 07:57 - United States

Today, I was going on a date with my girlfriend. When I took her home, her sister came to the door. I used to date her sister and I didn't know they were related. My girlfriend realized this, then kicked me in the crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 121
You deserved it 11 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flyintonite 0

This happened to me... but with best friends instead. Advice to all men if you are going to date a woman KNOW her inner circle inside and out. All her friends names who their friends with etc, a little excessive but trust me it saves a lot of headaches.


Ashley91129 6

A similar thing happened to my friend. She dated two brothers, not realizing they were related. In the end, the brothers basically tried to take each other's eye out while my friend watched. -,-

Okay, according to the comments, before I start dating a girl, I should know her last name? WHY?

It's not hard to know one's last name. You know, facebook or something.

cmb8280 24

You didn't notice the last name? Either you're a shitty boyfriend or an idiot. Either way, YDI.

Just because they have the same last name doesn't mean that they are related. I have two cases of that just in my class.

No regrets? I assume they have a common last name since it didn't register...she'll probably come back around....

How did you not know they were related though? Did you not know their surnames and put 2 and 2 together?

Some people are so ignorant; and I'm not talking about OP, I'm talking about the commenters. For one, perhaps they have a common last name. Secondly, they may not even HAVE the same last name...maybe they have different fathers. Did either of those things occur to you people?!?! On an unrelated note, this FML did make me chuckle. Hope it worked out OP.

how could you not know they were sisters?