By Dumped - 22/12/2009 07:57 - United States

Today, I was going on a date with my girlfriend. When I took her home, her sister came to the door. I used to date her sister and I didn't know they were related. My girlfriend realized this, then kicked me in the crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 121
You deserved it 11 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flyintonite 0

This happened to me... but with best friends instead. Advice to all men if you are going to date a woman KNOW her inner circle inside and out. All her friends names who their friends with etc, a little excessive but trust me it saves a lot of headaches.


sportsnut 0

BULLSHIT you didn't know they were related...would you have not been just a little suspicious when you pulled into he driveway to pick her up?'re retarded, i guess its ok you didnt connect the dots on this one

driedpeaches 0

put that bitch in jail for assault

Own her sorry ass in court. I would love to see her thrown in jail and used as an example for future references.

dspadres 0

There really are only three outcomes to this situation: 1. She doesn't care and you keep dating. (Bullshit she won't care!) 2. You get kicked in the balls and end up single. 3. Threesome! You should have chosen 3. I am disappoint.


I don't think he had a choice, hahahahahaha this fml actually made me laugh!!!!!

some_girl9 8

Sorry to break this to you, boys, but if he took her to court, he'd get bent over a table. She could just say he attacked her first, or came onto her too strongly, and that it is was self-defense. The only witness is her sister who happens to be his ex. Aww, poor guy...NOT. Kiss my ass! HAHA!

And here you are advocating lying in court and assaulting men, way to go equality. If butch lesbians like yourself hate men so much, why do they try to look so much like them? The short hair, the leather and muscles.

lem0n_fml 0

Oh yes, no one should ever take anyone to court, because the other person can just lie their way out of it. What a great outlook on the legal system. And I agree, I can't ******* stand "feminists" who claim they want equality, yet believe it's okay for a woman to hit a man. That's not goddamn equality.

Either tough it up and prepare for a true Falcon Pawnch or step down bitch, how about I get 8 buddies (not all male), we come an rape you, alot, then if you try to press charges we'll all say you were all for it and wanted an orgy but had a falling out with one of us and this is your idea of revenge. Surely it is the perfect plan. 9 of us and only one of you. Who will the courts believe?

Reyo 2

Since when does "Accidentally dating someone who is related to your ex" = automatic kick in the crotch? In fact, since when did everything = automatic kick in the crotch? Why is it always the crotch that's the first to get kicked?

Yes, that's what's gonna happen, but that doesn't mean he deserves it. Bitch.

Lol I like how the guy is so stupid for not realizing that his current girlfriend was his ex's sister. Shouldn't his girlfriend have known? What a lovely, connected, and aware family the girls have....

Oh dear, double post... I'm such a noob. :(