By chococool223 - 12/04/2009 10:51 - Korea Republic of

Today, I was going on a plane to Chicago. My passport picture is 6 years old, and back then I was a beautiful model. Now, I gave birth to a child and gained 50 lbs. When I showed my passport to the airport atendents, I got arrested for stealing someones passport. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 249
You deserved it 12 488

chococool223 tells us more.

chococool223 0

okay, i couldnt put to much info in my thread because the 300 word limit kept me from writing too much information. As a mom, i can't really go around wearing all this fancy makeup or whatever, it would be unreasonable. Also, i cut my hair to about chin length, and dyed it brown (i used to be blonde) because since im a mom, i wanted to look the part. when i was a model, I was 20-30 lbs underweight, so when I gained 50 lbs, it made a difference to my face. Also, i was NOT travelling from somewhere in the US to Chicago, i was travelling from my vacation in Korea to Chicago. I have a Dutch passport, so its different there. but anyways, im loosing weight and i acually got a new passport picture today so i wont be having this problem again

Top comments

Why didn't you get a new one when you changed so much? Don't be too hard on those guys, they're just doing their jobs.

They didn't see any sort of facial resemblance?


parasites like the pregnancy std and not putting down the fork leads to problems like this

i don't believe this, my passport picture was taken when I was 15 and I look totally differant now, but I ve never had any trouble with it at customs

Le_Rire 0

Aw I'm sorry, but it's not like you can never get your figure back. Question though, aren't passport pictures pictures of your face? They didn't see ANY resemblance?

hahahHhahahahahAHAHAHAH! at least now you have this beautiful child! right?

#26, are you stupid? The picture is from 6 YEARS AGO not from when she was 6 YEARS OLD. Read it again.

i know 50 lbs sounds like alot, but maybe she was just a really skinny model and now she's an average sized woman. and i don't know what country you're from, OP, but in america the current average dress size is like, 14... bit of a shame, really. but the fact is the OP might not be totally obese or anything, like most of the comments are making her out to be. anyway, sucky experience. but hey... it'll make a great party story one day.

kahyia 0

I believe this one although i dont think the OP was actually "arressted" but detained instead. Not to get overly racial or anything but to all the people that said "i think this is fake because i look different than my ID and i never get stopped" no offense but most, if not all, of you that say are white/caucasian. You just dont know what it is like to be a minority. Officials always "bend the rules" to invade your personal space. So airport security "aressting" you for not looking like your passport photo is entirely plausable to me. On a seperate note the thing with passports is they arent really needed to LEAVE the USA, you can leave with little to no id. But the trouble is you really need it to ENTER the USA

TheDrifter 23

Berating people for racial intolerence while doing it yourself? That's classy. Maybe if you didn't accuse every white person you encounter of being discriminatory for doing their job you'd see things differently. I'm Native Canadian and I have learned that the extra searches and re-searches and detention time isn't because of skin color, it's because you're a dick. I travel a LOT and rarely get any hassle.

meetmeinhell 0

# 8 learn to read the whole sentence "unless coming from another country" learn to read