By Anonymous - 24/01/2014 05:32 - United States - Hackensack

Today, I was going to have sex, so I went to my basement to get my builder bear that I had stuffed my condoms in. The bear was gone. My dad gave it to charity. 5ML
I agree, your life sucks 52 254
You deserved it 19 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Some lucky 6-year-old is going to get a bear AND balloons...


haha!! i can imagine the look on the parent's face when their little one finds them and starts playing with them..... YDI dude

Ahaa same thing happened to me but with my childhood pillow. It didn't go to charity but my little brother found them and had them scattered across my room

Some lucky kid is getting more than they bargained for.

xM00RILLAx 10

FYL because your condoms are gone, but YDI for hiding them in something like a stuffed animal

HarleyGal12 18
DatBlueDerp 13

What's the deal with parents giving away their kids stuff without even checking with them to see if it's ok?