By Anonymous - 24/01/2014 05:32 - United States - Hackensack

Today, I was going to have sex, so I went to my basement to get my builder bear that I had stuffed my condoms in. The bear was gone. My dad gave it to charity. 5ML
I agree, your life sucks 52 254
You deserved it 19 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Some lucky 6-year-old is going to get a bear AND balloons...


5ml means that they posted it on fmls 5th birthday

Why would you hide them in a teddy bear exactly?

happyfingers 15

... You hid condoms.... In... A teddy bear.... You sir, are an idiot. If you feel the need to "hide" them you should at least put them near where the sex is to be taking place, no? :P

Maybe you should keep your condoms in your bedroom ... you know, like a normal person. Hope the other person/s had some!

Well if the kid is smart he will grow up using protection instead of having his first kid at the age of 14

Elfkid21 19

I SERIOUSLY JUST G.O.L.!!! GASPED OUT LOAD!!!! Oh my gosh that is HHHHHOOOOORRRRRRRRIIIIIIBBBLLLLLEEEEEE!!!! BUT, you marron, WHO IN THE #3|| puts condoms INSIDE IF A TEDDY BEAR!!!!!!???? Creepy weirdo!!! XP

random little kid: "mommy I found balloons in my bear!"

You made your condoms virtually inaccessible ... in the basement, inside of a stuffed animal. I guess you gotta improvise or hope she's got protection.

martin8337 35