By Anonymous - 24/01/2014 05:32 - United States - Hackensack

Today, I was going to have sex, so I went to my basement to get my builder bear that I had stuffed my condoms in. The bear was gone. My dad gave it to charity. 5ML
I agree, your life sucks 52 254
You deserved it 19 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Some lucky 6-year-old is going to get a bear AND balloons...


nikkiluvzglen 16

That kid is in for a nice surprise

kate3101 15

A bear who's a builder? Or a Build-a-Bear? Also - if you're mature enough to be having sex, then stop being childish about it. There's no need to hide the fact that you're sensible enough to be taking precautions.

YDI for clearly being too young to be sexually active.

If you're hiding condoms in a Builder bear you're too young to be having sex.

If you have to hide the condoms in a bear you don't seem mature enough to need them.

Did you ever think maybe this person lives in a Christian household? Or perhaps their parents are overly strict or they have a habit of snooping and they didn't want to have to explain the condoms? I was still hiding condoms in my closet at 19, not because I was embarrassed but because my parents are both Christian and have a snooping problem haha and also if they're old enough that all the toys went to the basement then they're probably not 12, just saying.

Thats pretty smart place to hide them. Some parents like to snoop around so just hide them somewhere they wont look(I hid mine in broken drawer that you had to open a special way). Its not that he isnt old enough it just easier to hide them than to explain your having sex, at least he is responsible and uses condoms.

WinterBlue42 22

Although he shouldn't hide them in something like THAT. Creative spot, but not a good one. I'd have to say YDI to the OP. I suspect we may eventually see an FML about finding condoms in a good-will bear. .