By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 02:07 - United States

Today, I was hanging out at a friend's house. Her adorable 5 year-old sister came up, gave me a hug, and said, "You're fat. When are you going home?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 876
You deserved it 6 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha I love how innocent little kids are that they can always speak the truth without consequence. Jealous.

At least she hugged you. She could have walked up and kicked your shin, instead.


Hah...I was at a graduation party once and this little kid went up to the girl of the hour and said "are you pregnant?" It was priceless. Little kids FTW. (Now that I've posted this, some little kid is going to burn me really bad.)

awwww *hugs* big people are Ace to hug lil kids are just shit

#11. hahaha. i know. i hate little kids. why would someone put YDI for this? this person can obviously not control the dumbshit's thoughts, actions or words.

GiannaxRevenge 0

WOW. YOU'RE KIDDING ME RIGHT? These people have the nerve to say You Deserve It. WOW, don't listen to them. You are who you are; people do that to me all of the time and I have medical glandular problems and people say they're going to stuff twinkies in my locker. After I punched them in the face, I got suspended. But I agree with #58, you just can never win with kids.

In danger of sounding childish: Haha, you're fat. YDI

MercenaryWubby 2

Stop being a bitch. You're gunna feel a lot different when you're all knocked up and feeling like a farm animal.

Aww, sweetie.. Thats never going to happen. I'm sterile after having cervical cancer. =)

afarr 0

Time for someone to go bye bye