By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 02:07 - United States

Today, I was hanging out at a friend's house. Her adorable 5 year-old sister came up, gave me a hug, and said, "You're fat. When are you going home?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 876
You deserved it 6 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha I love how innocent little kids are that they can always speak the truth without consequence. Jealous.

At least she hugged you. She could have walked up and kicked your shin, instead.


dont worry about it , shes only five .

morgan_5230 0

ahh, gotta love kids. except not really. haha. ah well, least she hugged you first!

babymanda 0

Why do people think this is adorable? The kid needs to be taught some manners...

catspew 0

#13, apparently you do, because there was one really similar to this a while ago.

wow. gotta love the little kids haha

LOL! Wut?! You should've kicked her in the face and said, "And you're a bitch. I'm never going home... in fact, I'm staying here forever to make your life a living hell. Have a great day!"

kids r such brats when their parent dont spank them and wash their mouths out with soap..thats how me and most of my friends were raise..we're all respectful to our elders!! wth is up with parents theses days oh yea ik..most r under the age of 18!!! dumb people should'nt be allowed to have kids! that goes for ugly people to..sorry side conversation..anyways, u should have slapped the little twirp

Oh yeah, your parents obviously did such a wonderful job raising you... You're being extremely disrespectful right now. Maybe your mom should wash your mouth with soap...

Kids really need to be taught manners.

SmexxiHunny 0

LMAO jus say it like that...xD