By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 02:07 - United States

Today, I was hanging out at a friend's house. Her adorable 5 year-old sister came up, gave me a hug, and said, "You're fat. When are you going home?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 876
You deserved it 6 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha I love how innocent little kids are that they can always speak the truth without consequence. Jealous.

At least she hugged you. She could have walked up and kicked your shin, instead.


loveaffair911 0

HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHA! i guess she calls it like she sees it.

I would just like to say OWNED. Anyway, kids say random shit. So it's not really that big of a deal.

kids say whatever comes to their random mids

Kickinchicken213 3

Kids... gotta love them. No matter how harsh it may sound they always say what's on their mind. I miss this.

#24 - I'm perfect. The poster probably is fat. Rule of thumb: if you're fat, you deserved it. Honestly, if you're fat, it's not like someone forced you to stuff your face with burgers and fries.

agentasuka 0

that's actually really cute lol.