By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 02:07 - United States

Today, I was hanging out at a friend's house. Her adorable 5 year-old sister came up, gave me a hug, and said, "You're fat. When are you going home?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 876
You deserved it 6 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha I love how innocent little kids are that they can always speak the truth without consequence. Jealous.

At least she hugged you. She could have walked up and kicked your shin, instead.


SweetAmberkins 0

And you deserve a slap cause you're an ass.

Is it bad that I still think that's kind of adorable?

eitak 0

Wow. It's ridiculous how many people are so insensitive. I'm not talking about the kid. I'm talking about all the people on here who are like "Go jog home", or "you wouldn't have posted this unless you were actually fat". If you really are going to say stuff like this, I would take a look in the mirror because I'm sure each and everyone of you has your own faults as well. How awesome would it make you feel if someone pointed them out?

LMAO. You should tell her there are monsters under her bed and that she's adopted. Y'know. Teach her a little lesson. XD

Well, you might as well just off yourself. You're a big fat fatty and you let things children say get to you, life just isn't worth it. YDI, tubby.

omg so original kid tells truth about you

Hey, at least someone will tell the truth. You will better yourself from this! Think about it if it was some hot sexy friend of yours, you would trick yourself into thinking "Oh she is jealous of ALL THIS (yourfatgetoverit)" but now it was some little puke kid, you know she wasn't lieing! go to the gym :D win win!

i should start a psychiatry clinic that employs only children...