By Anonymous - 10/07/2015 18:19 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was having computer problems, so I let my friend have remote access to fix them. We were video-chatting on Skype at the time, and so he thought it'd be hilarious to load hardcore porn in my browser the moment he saw my mom enter the room from behind me. I'm now grounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 542
You deserved it 3 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mikeman1744 18

I feel bad for you and all but that's a pretty hilarious prank


Explain to her the truth, fair enough she might not believe you but at least it's worth a shot?

ChopSuey444 20

Who grounds their child for watching **** anyway?

Parents always catch you at the worst of times... and you just don't know how to explain it, without looking so bad xD

Your friend sounds like a jackass. XD But he also sounds a lot like some of mine.

curiouslilbird 19

Definitely wouldn't be giving that "friend" any more access to my computer, or my life for that matter...hopefully you can explain to your mom after she cools down, and get un-grounded soon.

Only true friends do things like this.

danimal_crackerz 26

OP, I think you need to respond appropriately to this situation. Prank war time. XD

I'm sorry for u, but he's purely an evil genius!