By halloweed - 16/11/2011 05:27 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend when he suddenly pulls out and says, "Pull my penis." So I pulled his penis and he farted. Then he started doing it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 427
You deserved it 7 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CalCommando 6

Should've gone pull my **** and then qweefed.


123jdub 7
susannah365 8

OP, I'm really hoping you've shown your disapproval, during or after. I can imagine you were too surprised to say anything at first ^^

Whys everyone being so negative, he was just joking, I dont your life sucks, nor did you deserve it, he was just joking around, calm down everybody

susannah365 8

You are a 14-year-old guy, no wonder you find it funny

I don't think it's funny, but i do think you're overreacting friend. Yeah yeah inmature blabla, relax it was just a joke. If he made that joke every single day, then would it be a fml.

susannah365 8

65 -Of course it was just a joke and I'm not gonna gun down anyone for that or a different opinion, I can assure you :) Just random guess why some people find it offensive and others don't.