By ADT - 09/02/2009 02:14 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend. Mid-thrust she says "I love you, Jeremy." Then in rapid succession, she fires off 2 other names. None of the names were mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 614
You deserved it 3 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, to get even I wouldn't PAY her afterwards.

Get her pregnant and then run away. She won't know your name!


saber2138 0

Ooooo tht sucks I geuss she's been around more than u knew

s52 0

#10 how do you know this happened with ur dad

HunterFalls13 0

#10 Eww how the heck would you know What names your dad calls out during sex?? That's freakin nasty

awww dude! that suckz majorly. #10: Thats disgusting

I_suck_you_suck 0
I_suck_you_suck 0

****... one word, and there it is: **** Should I spell it for you? S-L-U-T Good... DUMP HER!?!?!?

Thats when you pull out and slam it in her a** as hard as you can while punching her in the back of the head and scream "MY NAME IS {insert name here} B***H!!!"

she was probably trying to cover up her mistake by calling out the other two names haha.

oh shoot my name is Jeremy. >__>. <__<.

mrok1331 0

if the names were Jesus and god then your doing good. if not dump her