By ADT - 09/02/2009 02:14 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend. Mid-thrust she says "I love you, Jeremy." Then in rapid succession, she fires off 2 other names. None of the names were mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 614
You deserved it 3 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, to get even I wouldn't PAY her afterwards.

Get her pregnant and then run away. She won't know your name!


Dante17 6

there is a saying that what comes out unconsciously is what she really wants... sorry but is the truth

Yeah She probably is a top gear fan if the other names were James an Richard

moo117 0

ok I'd pull out and leave if she thinks that is on than I'd dump her

What does Mormon have to do with anything?

wait so when you were having sex with your dad he called out other guy names?

OK I actually have a REAL comment here lol. She might be cheating yes, buuut I did that once to. I date a lot of guys that have names starting with J's. Maybe you were sooo good she got mixed up and called you the wrong name but trust me that doesn't mean she was thinking about them at all. When I'm having amazing sex sometiems i have to think for a second what names what bc their just that good. It could be a compliment but you have every right to be pissed as hell.

Mickie1 4

Well that sucks. You know she is cheating on you