By mediocreboobs - 18/02/2009 22:31 - United States

Today, I was home alone tanning in my backyard which is fairly secluded. I took my top off and laid there for awhile before I looked over and saw the UPS guy standing at my gate with a package because nobody answered the door. I looked horrified and he said not to worry, he'd seen better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 462
You deserved it 8 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mikeyellenlee 0

You deserved that. You say your backyard is secluded, but there's a gate that people on the other side can easily see through? Wake up lady!

If you don't want people seeing your boobs, don't tan topless if it's possible for people to peek or visitors to see you from the gate. Just some advice.


Kockdiesel 0

someone beat me to that

not to be creepy but I wouldn't mind being the ups guy. and if you were confident enough to do that, they must be fiiiiine

kaitlyn3xo 0

I think he meant he's seen better stories than that so it's not really a big deal to him

ItsJussAle 0

Lmao XD I Think When He Said, "I Seen Better", He Meant, "I've Seen Worse". :) I Hope Ur Boobs Got Tan! ;D

What the hell is the UPS guy doing in your backyard?

Good thing for you that you weren't going for the all over tan.A friend of mine was doing that when the pool guys came in the yard.

swearmonkey 0
ddeathbombb 5

He's a pervert think about doing it more farther away from the gate please

Easily viewable from the back gate =/= secluded.