By filipinoclari808 - 16/04/2009 06:47 - United States

Today, I was horsing around after my big test. Someone punched me softly on my back. Figuring it was my friend, I turned around and did a roundhouse kick. It was my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 797
You deserved it 81 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RichHurtz 0

Someone taps you so you roundhouse kick them? What are you, an idiot?


i would of flash kicked her, and then whipped out the sonic BOOM on the way down.

thankfully you are not chuck norris, or she would be dead by now. but chuck never kicks women, so you suck.

1. - You are not Chuck Norris. 2. - If she is worth being with, a simple apology (at most) is sufficient to take care of this. She might even laugh it off - I would.

You're either a douche bag, or a douche bag with 'roid rage....

Shoulda said "Bitch! You understand the words that are comin' outta my mouf?" Also sounds like you and your friends play a lot of slap-ass. Sure you meant girlfriend and not the more likely boyfriend?

beachbabe78 0

I thought the OP was going to say the person behind was his teacher. Still...quite funny

withfire 0

Fake. You know what they say though, 'always look before you deliver a roundhouse kick to the face.'

Leave te roundhouse kicks toooooooooooooooo, CHUCK NORRIS