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By joe - 31/01/2009 23:14 - United States

Today, my girlfriend snuck up behind me to cover my eyes and play "guess who." The second her hands touched my face, I grabbed her, twisted her wrists, and kneed her to the floor out of instinct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 719
You deserved it 26 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

infantrygirl 0

Lindsey, what the hell do you mean by that?? First, 99.9999% of military men and women would NOT overreact like that, so your comment is unfair. Second, if he is in the military, and he has PTSD, you, as an ignorant civvi, have NO right to judge him. Learn some respect for those who risk their lives for your freedom.

My natural instincts are to scream like a girl and run away. It's a miracle my species has survived.


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Macromartyr 3

Yeah A LOT of people took this combat way too seriously.... has anyone ever seen action movie like James Bond or Bourne Identity? they're clearly "well-trained" "soldiers" I.e. military like. Fast and bad reflexes, that's all folks.

drewfus2 6

What do you mean 'ugh'? If he is in fact in the military he was fighting to protect inconsiderate morons like yourself. In the future, please try to form coherent thoughts before spewing them where others have to see them? Thank you.

military combatives is taken seriously though, and it's crazy dangerous when it's a natural instinct or a reaction. people who've come back from deployments aren't completely themselves, expecting a bomb to blow up 300 meters away from them at any minute. :)

infantrygirl 0

Lindsey, what the hell do you mean by that?? First, 99.9999% of military men and women would NOT overreact like that, so your comment is unfair. Second, if he is in the military, and he has PTSD, you, as an ignorant civvi, have NO right to judge him. Learn some respect for those who risk their lives for your freedom.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

More like, risk their lives for your oil.

Military men and women tend to be way more paranoid however. trust me I know. I work with them and chill with them. I'm paranoid as well

Thank you :).. I'm in the military and i know I've come a long way from the short time I've been in. I may be getting deployed in April 2013, 4 months after i come back from my 6-month long job training.

dixiefoxx 22

Yeah, because I have a lot of veterans in my family, NONE of them would instinctively do that. I just hate it how some people are so rude about veterans and military people, their usually really nice and cool people, like the ones in my family, and my friends dad.

infantrygirl 0

Hate the government and the ones who sent our troops to war, if you want. I don't care. But when it comes to the men and women who are willing to risk their lives for you, I think they deserve your respect and support. You're a civilian. You have no idea what they go through. They signed up to protect this country. When they are ordered to deploy, they are fulfilling their duty. They don't like the death and destruction that comes from war, but they understand that sometimes war is necessary. Until you have served, you have no right to judge them.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

That's like saying "unless you've murdered, you have no buisness judging murderers". Yeah, you sound as stupid as that. Oh, by the way, I am in a country where every male citicen has to go to the army, so yes, I have served.

Not all military men and women have "murdered" it could be self defense or even a safety hazard.

if they think that war is necessary and want to risk their lives for their country, thats their business and obviously it should be respected if purely on the basis that its their opinion and theyre entitled to it. however this doesnt mean that the rest of the public (who dont ask them to do this and many of whom oppose it) should be obliged to agree with them just because what theyre doing is dangerous. its their choice and while you have to respect their right to an opinion this doesnt mean condoning what in any other context basically amounts to murder (i know there are some people in the military like medics or aircraft engineers who dont kill people but im not talking about them).

I agree with #2. When you take martial arts for years upon years it becomes second nature. You execute the techniques subconciously.

I agree with you 100%. When you train, you get muscle memory and it just happens. When put into a surprising situation, you do not have time to think about it, you react.

I'm not really sure what either of you are talking about. I've taken mixed martial arts for 15 years. Anyone experienced in martial arts knows you always incorporate a soft form (like jujitsu) into your practice specifically so you always maintain control. Blaming your actions on muscle memory shows you are inexperienced, lack discipline, and think you're hot stuff when you're not. My guess is the OP is just a high strung coward, YDI

dragonstrike94 8

Well some martial artists don't have the mixed part maybe they only know one hmmm

SaltyLurker 10

To anyone denying this: SHUUUUNNNN!!! Self control is a key part of martial arts training so anyone that can't control their movements, even instinctual, are simply not as good at martial arts as others with control.

necomni 0

You'd think that he'd stop at least at "twisting wrists."

I don't think you know how fast someone can do that type of maneuver...

u need to trust those around you...why dont you start with your mom?

Why don't you start by making a good joke?

My natural instincts are to scream like a girl and run away. It's a miracle my species has survived.

Imthatgirlthere 0

Guys, that's not trust issues, that's second nature after years of karate or something. I'd probably elbow someone in the street who did that, regardless of affiliations just because its instinct. Not cool.

Do you not recognize your own girlfriend's voice?

azhein 0

he said the moment her hands touched his face so it would have been before she said anything.