By -1 friend - 17/05/2013 21:16 - United States - Freeport

Today, I was in a big Skype chat, which somehow turned into a heated argument. My friend lost it, typed "your stupid" and called me a "looser." When I pointed out the irony of his messages, he rage-quit, drove all the way to my house, and punched me in the face at the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 325
You deserved it 14 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When people are losing an argument all they do is correct the other person's grammar. Tsk tsk.

Next time don't answer your door when someone with a big temper is banging it down.


lymyabean 15

You really should've mended this problem with chicken nuggets before it went too far

It's time for new friends. Preferably literate ones.

atleast you can say he didnt keyboard you to death . but he acually punched you !

Wtf?! Anger management much? I'm sorry that happened OP.

Medd_fml 13

Why are you Skyping with someone who lives close enough to drive over JUST to punch you in the face?

Am I blind, or is everyone accepting, that the point of arguments is "winning" ?

Clearly you did something to very much piss this person off..

okay when someone drives to your house just to punch you you need to get a restraining order until he takes anger management classes