By Anonymous - 17/02/2012 08:01 - United States

Today, I was in a grocery store with my great-grandmother. It would've been nice to know she hadn't taken her medication before she started beating the cashier with her umbrella. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 486
You deserved it 2 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at the bright side... The other people probably had a lot of fun.


bitchslapped22 14

I think the word your looking for is 'fight'

mega00ant 0
KaelaKhaotic 5

I would have loved to see this.

bitchslapped22 14

A white rapper. You never heard that song Gucci Gucci ?

liahbby 7
iloveweed69 7

The cashier is probably going to sue your grandmother. If I was a minimum wage cashier, I sure would.

Because people are poor and don't want to stress about there their next meal is coming from.

I said if I was a minimum wage cashier I'd sue her. They can barely pay their bills, usually have no education an a house full of kids. Now live that life an have some crazy woman beat you up? Yes... Sue!!!

Your grandma sounds like a fun person to be around. I would've just laughed, I don't think it's a big deal OP

crazyluvbug 8

Wtf you don't think it's a big deal? Would you laugh if some old bitch starting hitting you with an umbrella?!? I think this FML is ****** up. I feel like I'm the only one that feels bad for the cashier.

eviannastorm 4

I work as a cashier... I feel horrible for the cashier mentioned because odds are they couldn't say anything back to the grandmother or do anything to her either and not get fired, ya know like hit her back or go off on her.....

aimeesea75 16