By Anonymous - 17/02/2012 08:01 - United States

Today, I was in a grocery store with my great-grandmother. It would've been nice to know she hadn't taken her medication before she started beating the cashier with her umbrella. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 486
You deserved it 2 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at the bright side... The other people probably had a lot of fun.


More like the FML belongs to the cashier. Oh boohoo~ You got embarrassed by your great-grandmother. While the cashier took the beating.

Mr_Que_Dijo23 5

Instead of posting this you should've recorded it!;) ha

Hahahahahaha i would wish that was ny grandma!!!:) i would think ii would be so funky!:))) that is swaaaaaaag!:)

What OP would have said if she was in a sitcom: "That's it! Whack him upside his head! Now, smack him in the stomach! Don't forget to poke him in the eye with the end of it! There you go! Show him what he gets for denying you the Senior Citizen's discount and 1% tax reduction! Beat him like a boss!"

valderete 3

Is your grandma by any chance britney spears?

Put that on YouTube and call is grandma rage 8000

Poor cashier I hope she sues your grandma

ruby_belle00 3

That sounds like a rough situation for everyone involved. Sorry you had to deal with that.

JRokka850 6

Back in her day they didn't have meds ya whipper snapper

Did you document it? This kind of stuff is YouTube gold!!