By race - 18/11/2010 08:37 - Australia

Today, I was in a meeting and someone behind me sneezed really loudly. As they were doing so, I felt something cold land on my neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 668
You deserved it 2 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sonnet 0

Today, I was in a meeting and started to jerk off. As I shot my cum onto my coworker's neck, I sneezed to cover up for myself. She still thinks it's my snot. FHL.


alfredrog 0
butthole_cheeze 0

#53, you look like a domesticated sl.u.t. you are the underlying cause of the sharp increase in herpes outbreak in the last decade. i bet youre an amazing sloppy fourth.

kayPandastyle 15

How the hell did 80 idiots think this person DESERVED to be spit on?! Wtf really?

mintcar 9

That is incredibly disgusting. Nothing like feeling cold mucous against your neck, eh?