By Bailey - 22/08/2010 06:58 - United States

Today, I was in a public restroom with my 4 year old daughter. I took her in the stall with me, and as I was using the restroom she looked down and loudly asked, "Mommy! Why do you have a beard on your peepee?!!" Then I heard everybody in the stalls next to us laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 768
You deserved it 14 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ahahahhahaa. pwned by your child. shave your furry beaver. lol

collegegirl87 0

omg just because her child says it was a beard does not mean she has a jungle. children don't have any hair so of course they are going to be surprised. FYL and you don't need to shave 


rxmazing 0

LMFAO that's so funny, you need to shave though...

ydi it for having a beard on your peepee

mistyic blueee. I got blue eyes too we got so much in common my brother

hairt 4

HAHhHa she will grow up to have one soon :p

cheekywench 0

Wax is a beautiful thing.....

ArtIsResistance7 1

Should of told her about the pussy troll that lives down there... THAT would of shut her up.

NoelLikesBirds 0

Tell her a little gnome named Peter lives in your slacks and he left his razor at the Holiday Inn so he's unable to remove his facial bush.

taz1 1

This is a complete ripoff of a story that was on MLIA a few days ago, only they weren't in public

hows about shaving that thing? no respectable man wants hair in his teeth after going down.

NoelLikesBirds 0

Does anyone else wish he hadn't said that, with a baby on his lap...?

I'm pretty sure it was the baby who said that.

Kawaiichan42 3

Look, dude, not every woman can shave down there. I have massively sensitive skin and am only able to shave my legs because lotion was invented. The skin there is so sensitive that it does nothing but itch. I trim, but shaving/waxing is out of the question.

jamaymay92 0

So yeah, at least trim. But the same thing with men. Trim your pubes! Getting hair in my mouth while giving head is not attractive.