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By notapedobear - 13/01/2011 08:21

Today, I was in a shopping centre when a little girl was running up and down the aisles. She started to fall over so I put my hand out to catch her. Her mother then ran up to me and screamed about me 'touching her child' so loud that everyone could hear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 268
You deserved it 3 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The little kid should have screamed, "DON'T TOUCH ME THERE!"


Proving, that no good deed goes unnoticed.

BellaGoBoom 6

It went unnoticed too. Maybe he meant what you said, but he wasn't technically wrong. Sooo.... I'm done being a bitch now.

Yes, but what he said means every good deed goes noticed, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The two are definitely not interchangeable, and if you're quoting the saying (which I assume was his intention), it does make him wrong.

kid should shout ' don't touch me on my studio ' ... search it on YouTube if u don't understand

Never touch a kid that isn't yours! Thats the rule.

Don't be like the guy who spanked someone elses kid in Walmart.....

FYLDeep 25

Do you have kids, and have you been touching them?

Never touch a kid that isn't yours? That's a pretty retarded rule to live by. Just like OP demonstrated, sometimes touching kids can be to everyones benefit, some parents are just too stupid to realise.

There was a news story in England recently, about a guy who saw a 3 year old girl walking down the street alone (She'd somehow snuck out of her kindergarten). He was too scared to approach her in case someone accused him of being a paedophile, so he crossed the road and kept walking. She was later found less than 50 metres from where he saw her, she'd fallen in a pond and drowned. This modern paranoia about paedophiles stops good men helping children.

When? I live in Ireland, there was nothing like that recently...

I should've said a few years ago. Google the phrase "poisoning the relationships between adults and children" Or just "Abigail Rae" I got a few facts wrong, the child was 2, and the guy was driving.

i agee. remember the story in the news when the man slapped the bratty kid that was loooove it.

Wynton 0

maybe you'll learn to keep them off these kids and let them fall. watch as they cry then walk away to continue with your life.

Ugh, stupid mom. She probably felt guilty for not being there to catch her child and she took it out on you. Don't worry notapedobear, you did nothing wrong.

Notapedobear? That is what he wants that u believe! He hid the reality in the darkest chambers of his ****** up mind.. NL ftw ;)

Unless they live on a series of very small islands so the little girl really could run up and down the isles. Or maybe she is very fast, like the Flash.

Hahah! Your comment had me giggling out aloud! (:

you are the ultimate troll. your profile picture and posts piss me off. congatulations.