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By ouchers - 11/06/2009 19:49 - United States

Today, I was at the mall with my mom. She was pissing me off, so I started screaming at her and causing a scene. I ended up falling all the way down the up escalator. Everyone saw and people clapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 338
You deserved it 339 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments


lmmmr 0

That's because you are clearly a bad person.

153rdTrooper 0

Instant Karma - Just add fail.

bambam837 2

karma ****** sucks don't it bitch

wintamint101 7
Lolpancakes 0

u never yell at ur parents... ask my scar lol jk but seriously u deserved it don't yell at your parents. no matter how annoying they may e only thing u can do is shrug it off and move on.

Never scream at your mother!! She deserves a better kid than you...I'm glad that karma got you

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Just one question. If you fell down the up escalators(Just saying what everyone's thinking) how long did you stay in one spot on the escalator?

tatersalad33 0

thats what you get for being a forst class retard

orgin1 0


crazy17balls 0

karma's a bitch. just make sure that bitch is beautiful. i wud say ure some eye candy. when ur fall down escalators

Ninjasaurus18 9

Karma for the win. And yes. You are a horrible person. You couldn't have waited until you were home or at least in the motherfucking car to go all ******-ass?

Look I really hate it when people do shit like that, my moms dead. I dont even remember the last thing I said to her. Think of it this way, if your mom died suddenly like mine did, would you want to always remember the last words said being harsh words? Forever haunting you? Look your a bitch for saying shit like that in front of a crowd to your mother. You owe her a lot, you owe her your life for starters, second a mother will always love you no matter what, and lastly your a bitch for not realizing it. I hope you learned your lesson, don't be a bitch to your mother, with out her, you wouldn't b alive.

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xknightlightx 2

You don't even know her mother or her life. alot of parents get kids without knowing enough about life. Then they wonder why things went wrong. I know some really smart parents, and their kids dont go too wrong because they have stability and prevent negative cycles. But of course, people also just get lucky. Problems arent just individual-based. They are also very system-based

Fireashes250 16

I'm sorry about your mother but it isn't fair to say EVERYone should be respectful of their mothers. Not all mothers are good. I'm not talking about this instance because op was being a bitch but a lot of comments are not making exceptions. Some 'mothers' shouldn't be mothers.

forst huh? the **** are you? tweety bird?

T3chie 13

agreed, god I hate bitches like you I would of cheered

yeah, what #2 said. that's what yeah get for being a disrespectful little brat.

If my child ever did that, I would smack the crap outta them

that's what you get for making a scene :D

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I have better grammar than you on my iPod Touch.* Trying to be smart fail.

alayna100 0

ouch... i feel for you for having an annoying parent... but you really should consider your actions at public places. even though i feel bad for you, i am compelled to say "YDI" for being stupid and inconsiderate enough to make a scene at a public place

Even if her mother is pissing her off it doesn't give her any right to cause a public scene. She deserves it for being a stupid bitch who can't act like an adult.

Don't feel bad for OP... if people clapped she probably deserved it. She was probably being a brat.

PYLrulz 17

I doubt #5 really believed that the parent was being bad, was more than likely using some sarcasm

683 i got a feelin just by readin the FML she was bein a brat and acting like a 3 year old by screaming. So yea i agree she deserved it 100%

Grow up, maybe? If you do something like this in a public place I don't even want to know what you're like at your house.

razzipost 0

Karma. It's a bitch... and your moms best friend.

dhenri 9

Karma is a bitch, so is OP lol

DeadManLaughing 0

Nice. YDI for whining like a bitch.