By Cherie - 31/08/2009 21:18 - United States

Today, I was in an unfamiliar building on campus and I needed to use the bathroom before class started. I walked in and saw a man at the sink. I said "Oh my god I'm sorry! I thought this was the women's washroom." It was. The very butch looking woman gave me a look of death. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 761
You deserved it 10 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mina_8 0

That sucks. :P It was just an honest mistake but no one likes it when their gender is assumed wrong.

LOL! This has happened to me before, except in a different situation. It was my first day of middle school and I didn't know where the bathroom was. I went into the womens bathroom, thinking it meant girls... I was washing my hands when a teacher walked in and told me that I needed to leave. O,..,O


Definitely an FML If she was your teacher!!

Shit, if she's going out of her way to look macho, she should be happy it's working.

yeah um, just b/c the other person doesn't have long hair and wear feminine clothing, doesn't mean they are a guy. i usually bark at people who do that. scares the shit out of them.

geetface 0

FYL. Butch deserved it for being butch

so jews deserve it b/c they're jew and blacks deserve it b/c they're black. do you wash your white sheets at home or have them dry cleaned?

Uh, Jews and Blacks don't get to choose. If you're deliberately flaunting established social paradigms with your looks, you can't expect society to accept you immediately and unquestioningly.

with a couple bottles of wine there aren't many who aren't curious. you just haven't found the right man yet. its okay. you'll find him.

geetface 0

lol wtf are you talking about?? This has to do with a woman who voluntarily chooses to look like a man, not black people who were born black. And the jewish thing isn't really applicable cuz you can choose not to be jewish. Overall, **** you noob

LaLaJoy 2

Umm, a woman doesn't necessarily choose to look like a man. People ARE born looking a certain way. And even if she doesn't go out of her way to look feminine, who the **** cares?

LaLaJoy 2

No, not apparently. When someone looks androgynous, it doesn't mean they deserve to be treated like less of a person, like geetface seems to believe. Fortunately though, there are still compassionate and intelligent people in the world who would disagree.

lmao epic fml. i find it funny when you see females that look male, generally the mega fat ugly ones

Hm, well, indeed, when people reach a certain... aha, LARGEness, they certainly lose their distinct body types. Big floppy boobs look deceptively like moobs.

Olivia18 0

hahaha this is the best fml on here :) it's not really an fyl though it's fhl for looking like a man... nasty lesbos

haha i completely agree. nasty lesbian bitches are scary as shit.

Wait, wasn't there an FML on here a few days ago that said the exact opposite of this? Something like 'Today, I was washing my hands and a girl came in, then went to check she was in the women's bathroom.' Sad.

wellinever 5

So a young girl goes into the ladies toilets. Of course she is going to freak if she thinks she sees a man in there. That's the correct, natural, defensive reaction. Don't keep quiet and ignore him in case you might offend some bull-dyke on steroids.

roxy_rescue 0

I've been in a similar situation :/ at least the girl you saw wasn't making out with another girl [at the time] Now don't get me wrong I have no problem with same-sex relationships (personally, i'm not into it) But i don't like seeing people making out