By snickerdoodles - 10/02/2010 21:19 - United States

Today, I was in class and noticed that it smelled strongly of cat urine. I smelled my shoulder and realized that my cat had peed on my sweater. I had six hours of classes left, and the smell had permeated my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 830
You deserved it 6 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was going to make a stripping comment, then I saw it was by snickerdoodles. I vomitted in my mouth briefly. FML.

JoshTheMaggot 8

yeah Sirin is obviously takin a jab at snickerdoodles who is definitely a grammar Nazi. ahaha as for the op YDI for being snickerdoodles


cajekraze 7

I'm tired of this story. it's like fml madlibs. All that changes is the specifics. it's like "Today, I was in ____. I noticed a foul odor, only to find it was ____. Turns out ...". It's tired, you're retards, and we don't care. How could you not notice earlier?

japs96 0

wow that's pretty sad that u didn't notice it...

What's really sad is I voted "your life sucks" because my cat's used to pee on my backpack and I wouldn't notice until I left the house... then I noticed the username and was like "Shit! YDI!"

yes Mary **** Your life... I'd be quite upset

Ew, meant to say "cats" not "cat's" :P how did I make such a stupid mistake?

Looks like your cat is tired of your stupid ass grammar bitching too, YDIx10 infinite power

this guy in my class smelt like BO in front of me. it was hella gross hahah

akwizzle123 0
AngryNinja 1

this has been explained above. read the other comments. ;)

it seems like the classroom is the "it". I'm not sure what a urine stinking classroom has to do with her sweater, though...

boatkicker 4

FYL, snick. Had that happen before..... a few times actually, but I usually noticed it before I left the house. ADVICE FOR ALL: If your cat has kittens, bring the litter box a few feet from where they are, because they don't like to leave the kittens to go all the way to the litter box, for the first week or so. They usually just go to the closest box-like object to pee, which for me was my open drawer.