By bastardddd - 11/04/2009 01:47 - United States

Today, I was in class finishing up an assignment when the guy next to me, my crush, said "I really love your hair." I started to blush then I turned towards him and said thanks, at the same time as the girl he was actually talking to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 520
You deserved it 6 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there's only one solution...take out the competition

Awkward...make sure he's talking to you next time? I mean there's really not much to say about this except for "that sucks".


wow, i did something like that! the guy i have this HUGE crush on is two years older then me, and one day we basically had the same thing on.. blue sweater, grey sweats. he was walking down the hallway, and was like "nice sweater!" i thought he was talking to me.. fml.

Bummer... But this isn't am FML. It's an everyday awkward moment that I'm sure we've all had. Not very original.

Cookiegirl222 0

I don't think this has happened to me before, but I have been told to fix my hair :/

plum_lovin 28

That's not good. I've done this plenty of times. So now I look up and wait for them to ask me again to make sure they are talking to me. And then if they do ask again is say "Who me?" and theres the answer... ;)

I've done that plenty of times. Just try and laugh it off. I'm sure they didn't think anything of it.

This has also happened to me, OP, way too many times. I still think people are trying to talk to me. Best thing to do is look over to see if they are talking to you.