By jennabean - 12/08/2009 04:13 - United States

Today, I was in the car for 8 hours driving home from North Carolina with my family. We brought my dog along and I was petting her for most of the ride. I thought she fell asleep, so I continued to play with her. She never woke up. I played with a dead dog for almost an hour and a half. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 908
You deserved it 4 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EvilHippyEmperor 0

This is terribly sad, but at least the dog passed away peacefully whilst being showered with affection.


poor dog.......did you find out the cause of death?

lurkerkaihika 0

Poor girl... This happened to me too except it was on our way to South Carolina and we found out about her death when we were in Tennessee... It's been a few years for me, so I'm fine about talking about my dog. Crappy part was that my mom kept on telling me that she's perfectly fine even when Pepper was spitting out blood. #102, it's pretty hard to tell when a dog dies when s/he died an hour and a half ago and the owner is just petting her/him.

crzygrl90218 0

ZOMG thats so sad! I would of cried soo hard! Sorry =^((

wow why would you pet a sleeping dog for an hour and a half thats pathetic

applesandbananas_fml_fml 2
hassenpfeffermmm 0

You petted your dog to death.