By wolfpacking - 02/02/2010 05:51 - France

Today, I was in the car with my friends. A techno song came on and we started fist-pumping. We hit a bump, I fist-pumped myself in the face, and crashed into a stop sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 145
You deserved it 54 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fist pump to techno??? ......................Sorry, I just can't even picture it. That's like headbanging to Frank Sinatra.

grimpow_fml 0


Stupidity like this is why many states are passing laws limiting passengers in the cars of INEXPERIENCED drivers.

08heavyCHEVY 0

that's what u get for being a ******* moron and fist pumping like a ******....idiot

thats what you get from being a guido for fist pumpin !!

niice.. a jersey shore reference on FML.. they should put out billboards that say Stay Alive! Don't Fist-Pump and Drive!

yessirfosho 0

I wish a cop saw and suspened your license. ******* idiots like you shouldn't be on the road. It's because of pieces of shit like you there are so many accidents.

Haha. Now that's a situation right there.

Bahahahaha. YDI cause your a wanker that listens to techno and fist pumps. you never should have gotten your license. What a lack of public safety by the moron who let you pass. But in saying that. Your stupidity amused me enough to laugh out loud for a good 10 seconds. Which is more I can say for most FML's

haha. actualy lol! i think thats a first! nice ;)

psychoxxxinvader 3

WE DON'T PUMP OUR GAS WE PUMP OUR FISTS! Oh yeah, a New Yorker just said that :)