By Anonymous - 21/06/2009 19:50 - United States

Today, I was in the grocery store getting bananas and there was this real hot guy next to me. He said, "Hey beautiful" so I smiled. He then asked if I was free on Friday night. I smiled and said, "Yes, why do you ask?" He looked up from the bananas and pointed to the bluetooth in his ear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 322
You deserved it 16 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is when "eye contact" comes in handy. If someone is asking you out, I'd say about 99% of the time they would be looking directly at you, not the bananas.

Normally people talking on the bluetooth are the ones who look like retards. In this situation it was the other way around. :P


unluckydavid 0

I hate people who use bluetooths in public! Just use a cell phone so everyone knows your not talking to them!

UsingLogic 0

Reminds me of that scene in Stargate SG-1 where Jackson doesn't realize Weir is using a bluetooth device. Anyway, these things are quite healthier than sticking the cellphone to your ear, though you still have the phone somewhere near your body (usually the belt, which is worse according to some scientists since the red blood cells are created from an organ located around there (I forgot which one... The liver?). Anyway, I'm using my cellphone 1000 minutes a month since one year and I still don't have anything... I wonder if it's really true you could get tumors and stuff. Maybe phones only make tumors more likely in SOME individuals? We'll know in 10-20 years I guess.

sayingallineed 0
ViXeN_fml 0

Let's flip this around... Walk up to attractive girl while wearing bluetooth headset. Ask out girl. If she says no, just point at your bluetooth headset and walk away.

Warped_Mind 0

Consider yourself lucky he wasn't talking to you. Can you imagine telling everyone, "We met by the bananas"?

Warped_Mind 0
sayingallineed 0

oh my goodness. AHHHHH i would die, jeeze better luck next time?

something to this extent happens to everyone... don't feel bad

ChelseaAnn08 0

That sucks. That's why I hate those things.

kellanlvr 1

you should have put something in your ear really fast and pointed to your 'bluetooth' too. then he looks like the stupid one.

Using a Bluetooth makes you look like a douchebag (and chances are, you are one).