By Anonymous - 21/06/2009 19:50 - United States

Today, I was in the grocery store getting bananas and there was this real hot guy next to me. He said, "Hey beautiful" so I smiled. He then asked if I was free on Friday night. I smiled and said, "Yes, why do you ask?" He looked up from the bananas and pointed to the bluetooth in his ear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 322
You deserved it 16 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is when "eye contact" comes in handy. If someone is asking you out, I'd say about 99% of the time they would be looking directly at you, not the bananas.

Normally people talking on the bluetooth are the ones who look like retards. In this situation it was the other way around. :P


I don't think that the OP is being unoriginal and just copying other people's FMLs... Did anyone think that perhaps the bluetooth thing is a fairly common and easy to happen problem? Jesus people she's just trying to give us a source of entertainment. Lighten up.

Mines does to but its a more rapid blink when its in use. I guess I just notice things like that though, still the lack of eye contact combined with the bluetooth should've been a big hint he wasn't talking to the OP.

curryndricegirll 0

What I don't get is why you agree to go out with random guys in the grocery store. I mean, I would think that would at least know someone before you go out with them other than their appearance. I also don't get your life so F***ed because some guy you don't know doesn't want to go out with you. To be frank, suck it up and move on instead of making us hear about it on here.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Hahh; I did something similar with someone in an elevator x) He was like "Hello? Hello? Geez, way to be rude..." so I turned and said hello, and he looked at me like I was insane xD he was talking to his friend or something. Yeah, it's embarassibg, but you'll get over it :D But FYL anyways :P

Aw that jerk was playing. He probably gets a big kick out of sidling up to beautiful women and pretending to talk to someone on his headset. At the very least he's a bit of a douchebag for wearing one of those in a grocery store when it's not winter.

Stephai 0

Same thing happened to me...

Rachelz 0

Damn bluetooths. That's happened to me a million times but with smaller things.

piggypaar 0

That's embarassing. Don't worry, you're not the only one!