By Anonymous - 21/06/2009 19:50 - United States

Today, I was in the grocery store getting bananas and there was this real hot guy next to me. He said, "Hey beautiful" so I smiled. He then asked if I was free on Friday night. I smiled and said, "Yes, why do you ask?" He looked up from the bananas and pointed to the bluetooth in his ear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 322
You deserved it 16 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is when "eye contact" comes in handy. If someone is asking you out, I'd say about 99% of the time they would be looking directly at you, not the bananas.

Normally people talking on the bluetooth are the ones who look like retards. In this situation it was the other way around. :P


Bluetooth strikes again!!! Darn you Cpt. Miscommunication!!!

Escapist28 0

Normally I get annoyed when I see someone chatting in a public area on their cell phone or headset, but in this case, you really should've realized what was going on. Even if he were actually asking you out...would you really want to go on a date with a guy who flirted with you while examining a bunch of bananas?

juliusXD 0

1. new jersey! lmao @ you thinking someone was talking to you while lookin' at bananas.

i hate those bluetooth things. but why you thought a random man would be saying those things to you is also weird.

When I'm around people, I usually put my hand over theblue tooth so they know I have one. Also, FYL

I don't understand these people, why don't they just point back at their own ear and act like they were talking on an imaginary bluetooth device? xD Especially if you have long hair xD

LMa0. Oh my... I would hate to have had that happen to me... Sorry 'bout that! XD