By Mortified - 22/07/2009 09:48 - Australia

Today, I was in the living room with my brother and his two older, hot friends when my mother walks out from the toilet and tells me, "Honey, if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie wipe the seatie." Need I say more? FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 045
You deserved it 17 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ugh, I HATE when people say that, it's so stupid, and it doesn't sound cute like they think it does.


Hahahah! That's awesome! Embarrassing, but awesome. My Mom says something like that outloud when she has to pee really badly: "I have to go tinkle before I sprinkle all over the floor!" Oh my god where do they get these from?

I call bullshit on this one because we don't say "tinkle" in Australia, and the OP is from Queensland...

So everyone in Australia talks exactly the same way? There's not even a remote chance that the OP's mother does, in fact, say "tinkle," despite being in Queensland? Maybe she was using the word simply for the sake of the rhyme.

yes you need say more. your brothers hot old friends are not going to hook up with you. and stop pissing all over the toilet. it's not hard to make it in the bowl.

You "squat and hover" in your own house? Just how skanky are the people you live with? XD

noshitsherlock 0

YOU DESERVE IT for being a dirtyass, nasty slob. Wipe your own pee off the seat if you get it on there! Nasty.

well_this_sucks 0

you shouldn't have sprinkled when you tinkled. xD sorry that sucks though

triplethreat13 0

that is GOLD!!! hahaha i totally feel your pain though, my brother has hot friends and i would just about die if that happened to me..

mehwhateverr 0

"Uh, what? That wasn't me." The end. FYL anyway, though.

fishyfingaz 0

fwiw there was a sign almost identical at a hotel i stayed at in england over 10 years ago. i think it could have possibly reached australia by now :P