By Anonymous - 19/02/2017 01:00 - Australia - Stretton

Today, I was in the shower washing my hair when my hand ran down the shower caddy and in particular, on my razor. If I wasn't woozy from all the blood splatter around the shower - seeing the bone that connects my finger definitely did it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 567
You deserved it 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you shave with a machete? What kind of razor cuts your finger to the bone just by touching it?

AzrielB 8

YDI, for keeping your shaving machete in the shower and not on the machete hook on the wall


I sliced open the back of a knuckle on glass once, and both sides hung down exposing the white tendons inside.

*crocodile Dundee voice* "That's not a razor, THIS is a razor!"

Isn't that why razors have those little plastic caps on them? Maybe you should swap to razors that have caps. Much safer. And to all the people saying razors can't cause that much damage, they can. Fingers are mostly flesh and bone, making them easy to slice through. The way OP describes it, their finger would have been cut open at the first point of contact with the razor, but then momentum keeps the finger running across the blade, causing the remaining length of the blade to continue slicing the portion that was already opened on initial contact. Though I will admit it was more likely tendon that was visible rather than bone.

Isa_fml 20

What the **** kind of razor are you using?

CrazyJolteon 0

Well why do you shave with a machete?

I did that last year- my shaving knive fell and I caught it wrong way up. My thumb bled for 45 minuted! hurt soooo much and I've still got a dent in my thumb....

Oh come on. seriously. What the hell kind of razor are you using? I dont see how you could cut yourself that badly just running your hand down it.

randybryant799 20

What the hell are you shaving with that it could possibly cut you that badly.