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By smooth - 21/11/2013 16:10 - United States

Today, a girl and I were flirting and it was going well. Feeling bold, I asked what she would do if I kissed her. She smiled flirtatiously and said "Why don't you try it and find out?" I went in for a kiss, and she slapped me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 612
You deserved it 14 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lilmslady 11

that.. is .... hilarious! shes a keeper!

JocelynKaulitz 28


lilmslady 11

that.. is .... hilarious! shes a keeper!

Zimmington 21

tisk tisk #1 domestic violence is never funny.

JocelynKaulitz 28

23, your picture fits your comment fairly well.

that's just plain funny imo. i hope she was cool about it (aka not serious).

I sorta see 23's point imagine a role reversal in this fml.

perdix 29

#23, it was most likely public violence, and that can be funny.

#65 I just did and ..... it was still ironically funny lol

I think people like the idea of saying it would be funny regardless of the genders. In my opinion though, if it was a guy that had slapped the girl, there would be more people asking if OP is ok, or she should press charges. Because it's a guy though, people will just assume they're ok because they're a man or that it's a woman slapping you so it's not a big deal.

You just took this funny, lighthearted post and turned it into something it's not

Well, funny and lighthearted is a subjective thing. From your profile you are a female. If a male slapped a female I doubt you would find it so funny and lighthearted...

Sure, it is hilarious. As long as a it´s the guy who is slapped. Slap a girl and wait what happens.

JocelynKaulitz 28
TheDrifter 23

The first slap means no, the second is foreplay?

And the eighth is government-people relationship.

The 9th is like growing up in an Asian family. phone just glitched and showed a random post with the chemistry jokes thing, and it was on your barium thing. THE AGENTS ARE IN THE MATRIX!

She needs a lesson on how to say no

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Usually it's the other way around! They already know how to say no, we just want them to say yes!

With the power of duct-tape, they can't say anything. :)

And everyone knows that silence means concent! DISCLAIMER: Silence doesn't actually mean concent. Silence means they probably didn't hear you, are ignoring you or are too shocked for words.

I think she made it pretty clear with her hand.

iLike2Teabag 27

Whaddya love? Crashing your car into a bridge and not caring?

challan 19

Op, I think you saved yourself a lot of future problems with that one. She's a bitch!

Or she was messing with him which in my opinion is more than likely.

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

I mess with people all the time as well. However, I certainly don't slap people across the face when doing so.

So all those times I got flicked behind the ears, punched hard in the arm repeatedly, choked, tripped, and pulled by my ponytail by guys in elementary school meant they were being bitches. Thanks for that! It all makes sense now!

Pstraka6 20

Well that's an unnecessary way to find out she's not for you, but at least you know! Give yourself some credit though, most guys wouldn't man up to that, but next leave out the kiss for a few dates

Rainhawk94 27

Wow what did she expect you to do after saying that? Bitch please