By Noname - 07/01/2009 15:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I was just taking a wank with my laptop on low battery. Almost finished when my laptop died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 481
You deserved it 56 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

katers4life 0

uhmm plug it in? or think of me ;D


know the feeling, bro jk I finish in like 8 seconds :(

brianfantana32 10

This definitely affects your whole future, FYL bro

What kind of man can't finish just because the screen's gone dark? Get a life

The same girls(guys too) that would comment bad things about guys who just want sex in other fmls would comment on this one angry that this guy doesn't find someone to do it for him.

irishgal13 5

this isan FML? grow up people.

RainbowInput 8

You could have finished. You have this little thing called your imagination.

XxQuartersxX 14