By Noname - 07/01/2009 15:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I was just taking a wank with my laptop on low battery. Almost finished when my laptop died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 481
You deserved it 56 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

katers4life 0

uhmm plug it in? or think of me ;D


xxKELLxx 0

How about you try getting and actual girlfriend instead of bitching that your laptop died when you were watching ****? Seriously, unless you're like THAT guy that everyone thinks is weird... So, you deserve it... •___•

#60 why get I girlfriend? I'd just think about you ;)

ExtremeEncounter 32

Yeah because it's so easy. Just slap a girls ass and watch the panties drop, right?

carcinogan 0

damn I hate that too thank god for my iPhone and the ability to watch videos fast :)

dude whats even worse is when you forget that happened and you let someone use your laptop after its charged and th first thing they see when it re-opens is what you were watching. GAME OVER!!

Gabby49 0

your dumb as hell. honestly? thats an fml? get a life.