By Anon - 09/01/2013 19:27 - United States - Southbury

Today, I was laughing at a girl who really sucks at badminton. Turns out she has anger issues, and a really good aim when she's mad. I've never been hit so hard in the crotch before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 530
You deserved it 64 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how could you possibly upload this thinking people will feel bad for you?


Iknoweverything 29

I remember playing tennis in gym class in high school. One of the school bullies called me a fat ass on the other side of a court that was two away from mine. I hit him as hard as I could, square in the nuts from TWO COURTS AWAY. He didn't walk for a week. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

OP is assuming she has anger issues? Why? Seems like a legit reaction. Always amusing when someone acts like a retard and as soon as someone responds in a direct and efficient manner, they have 'mental issues'. As far as actual mental problems go, I'd be more concerned about someone feeling the need to make fun of others.

Great, thanks to you, any job interview I conduct where someone mentions being "direct" and/or "efficient" is going to make me suspicious they just mean, "I attack people for perceived slights and don't feel bad about it."

Satoaoi 13

lol at what did you learn. reminds me of an episode of family guy when stewie kockdd that kid in the head with a bat

Not sure how he deserved it. Laughing or words doesn't warrant violence. Only violence warrants a violent response.

Well, this is FML, and it was female-on-male violence, so that means it's acceptable. Don't believe me? Check the site's generous backlog of examples.

Sounds to me like you have some "stupidity" issues.

Night777 4

YDI and hopefully you learned your lesson