By Anon - 09/01/2013 19:27 - United States - Southbury

Today, I was laughing at a girl who really sucks at badminton. Turns out she has anger issues, and a really good aim when she's mad. I've never been hit so hard in the crotch before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 530
You deserved it 64 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how could you possibly upload this thinking people will feel bad for you?


Suprising. You seem like the kind of jerk who's been hit in the crotch harder

titibug823 11

What possessed you to think that anyone would feel sorry for you? YDI for being an asshole.

Did you end up singing like a birdie?

I would have done the same thing! I hate sports and suck at them (sucking at them has nothing to do with hating them) and when some egotistical jerk like yourself rubs it in that they're better than me, I feel compelled to defend myself. YDI

ninjacow123 6

Damn you got an ego, come to my Brazilian jiu jitsu and I'll crush it in a second

they should call it Bangkok, not shuttlecock

well karma got the best of you , next time instead of laughing trying supporting her or helping her . YDI

And we should feel sorry why....? unless the person find their weakness fun too, you should never make fun of them.

There aren't enough words to describe how much you deserve this...