By Annie - 24/08/2015 08:46 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was laying on the couch, reading, when I noticed a spindly leg poking round the corner of my book. Upon realising it was a spider, I calmly and rationally threw my book across the room, breaking the TV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 788
You deserved it 9 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you got the spider! Right?

You've got a good arm! Try out for baseball.


Wow, not up to a billion hilarious, original "LOL burn down teh house!" comments yet. I'm impressed, FML.

corky1992 33

Epic shot lol, but that sucks!

Hahahaha I love it! I laughed way too hard at this

spiders are harmless. I think you deserve it for overreacting. You know what is scary as shit? Dengue and Malaria. You know who the real villain is? Mosquitoes. The real heroe? Spiders.

you acted slightly higher than the situation called for