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By Anonymous - 24/08/2015 17:32 - United States

Today, I was at my summer babysitting job. The family's dog puked on the carpet and I proceeded to clean it up with baking soda and a mix of water/vinegar. Instead of blending in with the other areas of the carpet, the one spot I cleaned is white while the other areas are still darkened by filth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 697
You deserved it 2 390

Same thing different taste

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I don't see the problem. So you cleaned their carpet for them and they might be embarrassed by how dirty the rest is... Their problem, not yours.


sevazilla 21

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Let's be honest, we don't know how big the carpet is and op's not getting paid to do that. It would be a nice thing to do but I'm sure they have other things that need to be done

sevazilla 21

i didn't realize it wasn't her carpet :P

Well that sucks, now you either got to explain it or clean the whole carpet

I don't see how explaining is a big deal... "Your dog threw up on the carpet, but don't worry, I cleaned it up for you." Done. As someone already said, if their carpet is that dirty that's their problem, not OP's. They may or may not be embarrassed but they're not going to get mad at OP for cleaning up their dog's puke properly and effectively; that's a good thing.

Make the dog throw up on the whole carpet

doubt op wants to clean their whole carpet

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well. vinegar cleans, disinfects,removes odors, all while not affecting the colors or fabrics. baking soda helps to remove stains by using the cleaning power of oxygen, and also removes the smell of vinegar. that's the best homemade solution to pet problems. next best is an enzyme cleaner

ShannonBitt 29

So if soap and water works best, wouldn't that make the problem worse? It would look even more clean in comparison to the rest of the carpet.

The mixture didn't bleach the carpet, it cleaned it like planned, just turns out the rest of the carpet was still dirty

#7 you obviously don't understand it. The mixture OP used worked fine. So fine that you can now tell how dirty the carpet was in the first place.

Tell them what you used to clean the carpet. You never know, they might appreciate the tip! I don't see why they'd get mad about you cleaning the carpet, it's not like you bleached it.

I unfortunately used bleach to clean a spot on the carpet once, like a dumbass.

I don't see the problem. So you cleaned their carpet for them and they might be embarrassed by how dirty the rest is... Their problem, not yours.

Yeah the only FML part I see here is having to clean dog spew

What's the problem? You cleaned up the mess. The rest of it isn't your fault nor your responsibility.

Why can't you just explain? Situations like that happen with pets. They should be happy you cleaned up after their dog and now they know their carpet is filthy and they have to clean it.