By Annie - 24/08/2015 08:46 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was laying on the couch, reading, when I noticed a spindly leg poking round the corner of my book. Upon realising it was a spider, I calmly and rationally threw my book across the room, breaking the TV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 788
You deserved it 9 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you got the spider! Right?

You've got a good arm! Try out for baseball.


No, you did NOT deserve a nope like that! FYL OP!

writergirl1029 17

I would definitely do the same thing. FYL.

The other day, I saw a huge spider on my bedroom wall (each leg was 5cm long). I just caught it, opened the window and dropped it outside. End of story. Spiders are nice, they eat the really annoying bugs like mosquitoes.

I would have completely and rationally done the exact same thing.

rapunzel13 11

At least you're not in Australia have you seen those spiders? Lol but fyl OP!

That sounds like something I would do

If this book was paperback I would be pretty impressed