By Syferix - 18/03/2009 22:42 - United States

Today, I was leaving to go over to a friend's and my parents suddenly ask if I'm gay. I reply that no, I'm bisexual. My mom then asks if I've ever made out with someone of the same sex and I say yes. She turns to my dad and says 'I told you so. You owe me $20'. My parents bet on my sexuality. FML
I agree, your life sucks 110 665
You deserved it 27 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fail_truck 0

Your parents are awesome. Lol.

#5 why is that terrible? His/her/whatever parents have a healthy view of sexuality (i.e., that it's completely trivial). I'm with 4 and 6. Would you rather their parents shun them for being gay/bi? Honestly, this is something my parents would do, and I would laugh along with them, because it's hilarious.


tokyooo123 0

hahahaha i wish i had parents like that. at least they don't have a problem with your bisexuality

fb_fml 0

#27 - bisexual people are not "confused."

As a gay guy living in Turkey, I envy you. My mom told me she'd refuse to see me ver again if she found out that I was gay. I really don't know how my dad would react.:-( So, your life isn't effed up at all. You lucky, you!

Hey, man, if I were gay or bisexual, that's how I'd want my parents to react.

Oh my god, that's hilarious. I'm with #66

Kinsey6 0

Your parents are awesome. That they would bet on it shows they're totally cool with it. It would be an FML if being gay was a bad thing, but since it's not (only the uneducated, ignorant, bigoted, and narrow-minded wackos in society think it is - but who cares what they think), then this is no different than them betting on what color your eyes are, if you have freckles, or what color your skin is... except that you can't readily tell one's sexual orientation without asking. But they seem to have a sense of humor about it in addition too. You should feel very lucky because kids get disowned, kicked out of the house, beaten senseless, and sent away to "pray away the gay" camps every day in this repressed country. Then there are those parents who just continually preach to, nag at, and pray over their kid(s) every day for the rest of their lives, giving them nervous breakdowns because of it. The broken jaw mentioned by #48 happens all the time too. Most of the street kids along Hollywood Blvd. (every big city has an area like this) are gay/bi kids who were kicked out of the house by their parents when they found out. Most of them will end up being beggars, on drugs, beaten up, hungry, and eventually dead. You however, are a member of the Lucky Sperm Club... so the fun begins when you and your mom (I'm assuming you're a guy) can start doing things together like my mom and I do, such as watch TV together and talk about which guys are cute or not. Hey watch this: I thought of it when I read your post. (off the topic, but the US would be such a nicer place if we were more like this vid).

haha lmao, ur parents sound pretty ******* cool/funny but that kinda sucks they punked u

deliciouskaek 1

Not really a FML, kid. Now, if they'd bet on it, and then kicked you out, then you could BAWWWW at us.

the fact that your parental units bet money on your sexual orentation is a bit harsh- but as the other 71 people said- i think you do have it easy compared to tons of gay or bisexual people. a good friend of mine is gay. his parents disowned him. its good that they are understanding and not so judgemental. take it easy, i hope you find someone good for you, someone your parents approve of too :)