By WTFsalad - 18/02/2010 02:46 - United States

Today, I was leaving Wal-Mart with my daughter when a man was speeding the wrong way in the parking lot. To avoid getting hit, I pulled over to the side. He thought I was going the wrong way. He got out cursing and screaming and punched a dent in my hood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 944
You deserved it 2 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at the bright side... a parking lot is a great place for him to do that; you got his license plate with ease, right?

p3rfect_ins4nity 0

I would have beatin the shit out of that fool!


haley_08 0

the arrow points to the good driver!! haha

B_Ez88 0

I Really hope u used being a woman to ur advantage.... I would've got out screaming, crying,just all out making a scandal then when ppl start to gather...cuz they always do... u kick ur performance up a notch. make sure they c ur kid too. that asshole would get a ticket &/or a. few hrs in a cop car.

@ 58 I really hate people like you so much :) Is this you getting a speeding ticket btw?

Yeah what would be the point of punching the guy back? Chances are she didn't just stand there and take the abuse. And besides there are cameras that look over the entire parking lot so chances are she could have went in and told someone where the car was and they could have got the license plate recorded to nail the guy. Besides she had her daughter there so no need to try to be stupid with anything. But people drive the wrong way in the parking lot all the time and will look to curse you out because they believe they are in the right.

So? You should have called the cops. If he drove off you should have given the cops his licence plate. No harm done, his indurance should cover removing the dent from your car!

Get his license plate number. That can be considered hit and run. Literally lol. At the very least it's vandalism.

morgan020 0

I'm sorry but any dumbass coming towards my car with my 2 year old son in it is gonna get their sorry ass whooped, even more so if they touch my new car. but I guess for a man to come up to a womans car in Texas when he can see a child in the back he wants to get his ass beat or shot.