By WTFsalad - 18/02/2010 02:46 - United States

Today, I was leaving Wal-Mart with my daughter when a man was speeding the wrong way in the parking lot. To avoid getting hit, I pulled over to the side. He thought I was going the wrong way. He got out cursing and screaming and punched a dent in my hood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 944
You deserved it 2 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at the bright side... a parking lot is a great place for him to do that; you got his license plate with ease, right?

p3rfect_ins4nity 0

I would have beatin the shit out of that fool!


JokingJoe 0

good time to teach your daughter that violence is the answer and unleash a can of whoopass.

bnizzle 0

I say you should sue him for the dent in your hood.

primogen18 0

can you be that surprised.. I mean its walmart...

chew4220 0

right and u just took it like a punk in front of ur daughter?!...............totally pwned haha

Asstazztic 8

You should've distracted him with ur boobs and nailed a gnarly kick to the nuts while the cops came and if he tried to get up BAM another one on the nuts!!! LOL

You are a women so he had every right to think that you were in the wrong.

zerk211 4

he wulda caught an ass whoopin