By WTFsalad - 18/02/2010 02:46 - United States

Today, I was leaving Wal-Mart with my daughter when a man was speeding the wrong way in the parking lot. To avoid getting hit, I pulled over to the side. He thought I was going the wrong way. He got out cursing and screaming and punched a dent in my hood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 944
You deserved it 2 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at the bright side... a parking lot is a great place for him to do that; you got his license plate with ease, right?

p3rfect_ins4nity 0

I would have beatin the shit out of that fool!


fuckyouasshole66 0

wow people these days have serious issues

I know people have said this but you should have kicked his ass and break his car window or use a knife to deflate his tires!

You deserve it. You should had ran him over for doing that. That would send a message to all the other freaks who shop at walmart. I'd rather shop at a zombie-infested mall than walmart. Oh and you deserve it for shopping at walmart.

afarr 0

Y'know, before FML i had never heard of walmart!?

zac2012 0

True Walmart is white trash magnet my car door was scratched there . I always carry pepper spray for that exact reason and I'm a guy. You just spray and call the cops because I might be able to take them but they could be carrying . I hope you at least got his license to report him to the cops .

Take down his license place and the type of car. He's not getting away with that. Then again, I tend to rage and start hitting people with my car if they attempt to hurt it.

jcougar12 0

Did anyone remember that she was with her daughter??? Im guessing if she had to pull her out the way that or her daughter didnt slap the shit out of this guy for talking like that to her mom that she isnt really that old. Yelling and fighting in Walmart parking lot really screams out good parent. Or even better, running him over and killing him.

Diannaa 0

I agree with #48, she was with her daughter... So why would she want to make a bigger scene in a wal- mart parking lot by fighting some guy? I think she's just being a good parent.

Anon17564 3

Sounds like the guy has a chance of being on coke. Pity you ended up in his way like that, but probably just as well that you didn't fight back. On the plus side, you'll probably never see him again. FYL anyway though.

thump_fml 0

there are security cameras all over every inch of the property, but file a police report or you won't see them. speeding hood punchers sound scary

Comentator 0

You should have called the cops...