By kandykrazed17 - 23/05/2009 12:14 - United States

Today, I was leaving work when some creeper start following me. When he asked me for my name, I immediately gave him a fake one. He just laughed and said “I hope to see you soon.” He used my real name. First AND last. I was still wearing my name tag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 237
You deserved it 29 404

kandykrazed17 tells us more.

lol first of all i work at a WAMU where our name tags give our full name so no lies there. secondly, this guy was twice my age. i was not being bitchy at all. he said hi and then i smiled and said hi back. it's one thing when you greet someone. it's another when you keep following them asking personal questions. i didn't give a fake name on purpose. it was just a natural reaction. lol but yea i guess it wasn't smart to walk out with my name tag still on. o and btw not to be rude but i took AP english so i'm pretty sure i know how to use “proceeded” in a sentence correctly. it's not my fault if other ppl don't or overuse it.

Top comments

notsofriendly 17

Following her isn't creepy? Pretty sure it is. Some guys act like girls owe them a chance, but we don't owe anyone anything, and we're not "close-minded bitches" for not wanting to share our personal information when we don't feel comfortable.


hanic101 0
FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

op could have been wearing some one elses name tag I do that all the time at work

sucks that you we're followed but your a dumbass for leaving you name tag

oh well i dont talk to creepers i just blow them up with c4s, lol minecraft ftw!!

missbadluk 0

Why did he ask you for your name if it was on your tag? Oh yeah..cause he's a creepy wierdo. Lol!